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Duan Yingying's against Pennetta
Published on: 2015-10-15
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7Q:  I would like to know what your coach say to you in the second round, your opponent have a treatment in the second round, this time has been long, will this have an impact on you?

A: To let the coach remind me how to do it, because the opponent's serve is very good. The coach told me I should send in his hand, not play straight, thus i win the game. I don't feel any effect.

Q: First of all, congratulations on your success in the game. I would like to ask you on the first day of the game facing the Chinese Legion blocked will be a pressure to you, how you adjust it?

A: I think there is no pressure, in fact, i play my own event, with no relationship with others. Just the event.

Q: You would meet Pennetta in the next round, it's a rare opportunity, and how will you adjust to meet the next round?

A: The key point is that you should have confidence. Though the opponent ranking is very high. But if you want to win the opponent, first one is confidence, if the opponent plays better than me, it's necessary to be confident.

Q: Have your family members come to watch the event? Does it feel same to join the event at home or abroad?

A: There will be a lot of people to encourage me when I playing at home, my family came to see me playing so I feel very relieved.

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