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33 Tons of Expired Papaya Confiscated in E China
Published on: 2015-07-08
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altA food company in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, has been fined 1.4 million CNY for storing 32.86 tons of expired papaya products, some of which had been frozen for more than five years.
The products, confiscated at a storage facility in Jiangbei district in Ningbo, had expired more than two years ago, according to Wangwei, an officer responsible for market supervision in Jiangbei district, Ningbo.
An inspection conducted by Wang's team found that the food company purchased a total of 60 tons of expired frozen papaya, at a price of 6.7 CNY per kilogram between 2010 and 2011.
The inventory shows that around 34.22 tons of expired frozen papaya was taken from the refrigerator by the company for production between April to October in 2010, while the latest record shows 25 tons of expired frozen papaya products was sold to a food processing company.
Besides, the company also purchased another 24.23 tons of expired frozen meat and papaya in 2010, which it stored in another facility, and two batches of them were sold in Suzhou to make fruit juice and jams.
Between January and June, Customs departments investigated more than 140 cases involving the smuggling of frozen meat, an increase of 1.3 times compared to 2014, and confiscated 420,000 tons of products, a rise of 2.7 times compared to the same year.
The low cost of storage has resulted in rampant smuggling of frozen meat into China. 
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