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Teachers Will Get A Lesson for Accepting Gifts
Published on: 2015-09-11
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6Teachers in Shanghai who have accepted gifts or cash from students or their parents will be disqualified from applying for professional titles that confer higher rank and more pay, the municipal education commission announced ahead of Teachers' Day, which fell on Thursday.
The latest action seeks to further curb gift-giving by parents seeking more opportunities or individual attention for their children. The school district previously barred teachers from accepting gifts or other perks.

Reform of evaluation methods used in bestowing professional titles on teachers is ongoing across the country. The city's core reform centers on teachers' professional ethics, the Shanghai Education Commission announced on Tuesday, two days ahead of the national Teachers' Day, when teachers are typically thanked for their work.

Parents and education experts say the practice of giving gifts on Teachers' Day is widespread and they applauded the education commission's move to further discourage the practice.

Before the school semester began earlier this month, the Ministry of Education released guidelines that banned teachers from asking for or accepting gifts, vouchers, prepaid cards and cash from students and their parents.

Teachers also are prohibited from attending dinners arranged by students and parents that may affect student evaluation. They are also banned from participating in travel, leisure activities and entertainment paid by students' parents.
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