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Tianjin Metro facial recognition officially launched
Published on: 2024-05-28
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Recently, Tianjin Metro’s facial recognition function has been fully launched!

No need to scan the QR code when taking the subway, just swipe your face to enter and exit the station

The launch of the facial recognition gate-passing function is an innovative application of Tianjin Rail Transit's new "sensorless payment" model, and is another popular measure to improve Tianjin Rail Transit Group's smart travel services. After this function is launched, passengers can experience the convenience of going through the gate without feeling by "swiping their face" to get on the bus.


近日, 天津地铁刷脸乘车功能全面上线!

乘坐地铁不再扫码, 只需刷脸即可完成进出站


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