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Tianjin court orders livestream anchor to refund half of virtual gifts lavished by married fan
Published on: 2024-06-04
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A court in Tianjin has ruled in favor of a husband whose wife showered a young livestream anchor with virtual gifts worth over 450,000 yuan ($62,100).

The wife, identified by her surname Gao, became infatuated with the anchor, Sun, who was significantly younger. Their online interaction extended to offline dates, where Sun allegedly cultivated feelings in Gao while subtly encouraging her to send expensive virtual gifts during his livestreams.

Over nine months, Gao gifted Sun over 18,000 virtual items, translating to over 450,000 yuan in revenue for the anchor. The husband, Yang, sued Sun after discovering the excessive spending.

Yang argued that his wife's actions constituted a violation of their marital fidelity and unauthorized use of their shared finances. He sought a full refund of the 450,000 yuan spent.

Sun countered that Gao's actions were simply for entertainment purposes, similar to any online shopping.

The court acknowledged that while initial interactions with Sun may have been for entertainment, the offline relationship developed beyond the typical streamer-fan dynamic. The court deemed the exorbitant amount spent a violation of social norms and public decency. Additionally, the court considered Sun's awareness of Gao's marital status and his encouragement of excessive spending as contributing factors.

The court ruled partially in Yang's favor, ordering Sun to return half of his earnings — over 220,000 yuan — within 10 days.



杨某(男)与高某(女)共同经营一家餐馆,闲暇之余,高某逐渐迷上了手机直播,从最初只是在直播间与主播孙某线上互动,发展到后来线下约会。孙某以各种话术表达对高某的爱意,并诱导其在直播间疯狂刷礼物、打赏。几个月后,高某发现双方的关系并未因为打赏而发生实质性进展,直到 孙某向其提出 " 分手 " 方才醒悟。至此,高某向孙某打赏已经高达 92 万余元。杨某发现钱款异常后,以高某违背夫妻忠实义务,擅自处分夫妻共同财产为由,提起诉讼,要求孙某返还收益 45 万余元。

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