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U.S. to Increase Tariffs on $18 Billion Worth of Chinese Imports, from EVs to Semiconductors
Published on: 2024-05-15
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China firmly opposes and lodges solemn representations over the US further increase of additional tariffs on some Chinese goods, and will take resolute measures to safeguard its own rights and interests, the country's commerce ministry said on Tuesday.

The White House unveiled on Tuesday new tariffs on imports of electric vehicles, solar cells, and other clean-energy products from China, in a protectionist move widely believed to imperil the American ambition to enhance competitiveness and slash carbon emissions.

According to the plan, the tariffs on Chinese EV imports will jump from some 25 percent to 100 percent. And with an additional 2.5-percent tariff on all vehicles imported into the US market, the total levies on Chinese EVs will be an astounding 102.5 percent.



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