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Foreign Trade Import and Export of the Binhai New Area reached a new high
Published on: 2012-06-14
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altSince the beginning of this year, the new area has accelerated foreign trade restructuring and upgrading, foreign trade import and export has achieved a new high. The reporter yesterday learned from the Commercial Committee of Binhai New Area that, according to the newly released statistics, it shows that in the first four months of this year, the new area’s foreign trade import and export reached 25.079 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 23.1% compared with that of last year, with the increase rate higher than the national and the city’s average. Among this, exports is 9.425 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 21.2%; imports is 15.654 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 24.2%, which fully demonstrates the rapid development of the new area’s export-oriented economy.

It is understood that since the beginning of this year, the performance of import and export of private enterprises is active in the Binhai New Area, and imports and exports in the first four months totaled 3.712 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 50.8% over the previous year, which has played a positive boosting role; in terms of import and export regions, the traditional foreign trade import and export big enterprises in the TEDA and free trade zone, and high-tech Industrial Development zone have further promoted the steady growth in the import and export of the New Area. Especially in the TEDA, the total exports reached 6.868 billion U.S. dollars in the first four months of this year, an increase of 25.3% over the previous year. The import and export trade of the Lingang and Dongjiang and other emerging regions are also showing a good momentum of development. In addition, since the beginning of this year, the business departments in the new area actively respond to overseas market demand changes, and organize enterprises to develop markets in Oceania, Latin America, and ASEAN as well as other emerging markets, and organized the “One-on-one” Negotiation of International Trade Fair of the New Area Businesses and International Traders, has played a positive role in promoting the new area enterprises to explore the international market.

According to the relevant responsible person of the New Area Commercial Committee, the New Area in the future will also promote the development of service trade and service outsourcing, such as Fufengda 3D movie international processing, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade. Also it will focus on bringing the carrier platform play to advantages in Dongjiang Free Trade Port Zone, create the imported goods display center and import bases for car, dairy products, frozen products, and wine.
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