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Nearly 200 Enterprises Set Their Headquarters in Binhai New Area
Published on: 2012-06-19
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altOur reporter learned from the relevant department of Binhai New Area that, up till now, there are nearly 200 enterprise headquarters settled in Binhai New Area. A few days ago, Binhai New Area carried out a new round of headquarter project introduction plan and is striving to increase 20 or more enterprise headquarters around the whole year through setting up headquarters economy and buildings economy special funds and introducing preferential policies to support headquarters economy development.

As far as we know, Binhai New Area has positioned the headquarters economy as one of the four preferentially-developed service businesses. According to the new round of headquarter project introduction plan, the new area will formulate promotional policies for headquarters economy development, lay emphasis on the comprehensive headquarter, functional headquarter and SME headquarter, and accelerate the construction of headquarter bases at Xiangluowan Business District, Yujiapu Financial Area, Modern Service Industrial District (MSD) of TEDA, Tianbao International Business Park, and Bolonghu and the construction of SME headquarter base at Beitang Economic Area. Among those areas, the Central Business District will mainly bring in finance enterprise headquarters such as domestic and foreign banks, companies engaging in insurance, securities, and funds etc., and large state-owned enterprise headquarters or such headquarters from other provinces and cities; headquarter bases at Modern Service Industrial District (MSD) of TEDA, Tianbao International Business Park, and Bolonghu will focus on the introduction of domestic and foreign headquarter enterprises and industry associations and will establish comprehensive headquarters as well as functional headquarters such as R & D center, sales & procurement center, financial management center, and logistics center, etc.; Beitang Economic Area will lay emphasis on the introduction of SME headquarters.

In order to attract more enterprise headquarters to settle here, Binhai New Area will quicken the public service facilities construction, and complete supportive business services such as the transportation, electric power, communication, business and commerce, accommodation, and star-level hotels, etc. At the same time, various relevant management committees and functional zones have begun to introduce preferential policies one after another for supporting headquarters economy development; those policies include offering subsidy, operation support, office occupancy support for preliminary operation, providing favorable supportive policies in the aspects of settlement, housing security, and children’s schooling for top talents in headquarter project operation and management.

As introduced, the sound soft environment and hardware environment of Binhai New Area as well as its increasingly improved service support capacity are bound to attract more and more domestic and foreign enterprise headquarter projects to settle here in a continuous stream. It is expected that, as of 2015, there will be totally over 500 headquarter enterprises settle in Binhai New Area including internationally or domestically renowned enterprise headquarters, secondary-level headquarters and major industry association headquarters, etc. By then, Binhai New Area will also become an important headquarters economy base in North China.
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