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SMEs cooperation forum opens in Tianjin
Published on: 2012-07-05
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altChinese, West Asian and North African officials gathered in China's Tianjin municipality on Wednesday to discuss ways to seize development opportunities among countries in the regions.

Together, about 170 officials, diplomats and entrepreneurs are attending the Third Session of China-West Asian and North African Countries Small & Medium Enterprises Cooperation Forum. The event, hosted by the International Department of China's Central Committee and the Tianjin Municipal Government, is specifically targeted at developing small and medium-sized businesses.

The purpose of the forum is for leaders from different countries and parties to exchange ideas in developing SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) and discuss ways to give full play of each other's advantages, said Li Jinjun, deputy minister of the International Department of China's Central Committee.

Sun Jiazheng, vice-chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, said, the main economic bodies worldwide have been promoting economic transformation ever since the eruption of the 2008 global financial crisis. Strengthening communication and discovering new cooperative methods, he said, are important to all of the countries involved.

Sun pointed out that China, West Asian and North African countries have a great number of SMEs and are complementary in economic structure.

These regions should continue sharing their experience in SME innovative development and build platforms for technological research, marketing and sales, Sun said.

Sun also encouraged future cooperation in fields such as renewable energy and environment protection.

Sun said, taking these steps, as well as creating a more open environment for trade and investment, will help the growth of the regions' SMEs.
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