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Rego International School’s Olympicnic
Published on: 2012-07-06
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style=There is nothing like starting your summer vacation in school with all your lovely classmates and teachers and just having pure fun! And that is exactly what Rego International School did with their end-of-semester activity dubbed as Olympicnic, a great way to say goodbye to school and say hello to summer vacation.

Held on June 28 at the Rego International School campus in Meijiang Area, the school’s Olympicnic included indoor picnic, tug of war, flea market, school band concert, a softball match and a presentation from the school’s staff band. The activities started at 1:00 in the afternoon with parents accompanying their kids to share the excitement with them.

After a whole afternoon of fun and games, Olympicnic was sealed with a wonderful live musical performance from some of the school’s faculty members. It’s summer indeed, and students and teachers at Rego International School know so well the right way to start their summer vacation – Olympicnic is the way!
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