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Tianjin mayor starts week-long Taiwan tour
Published on: 2012-07-09
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altA Chinese mainland delegation headed by Tianjin Mayor Huang Xingguo arrived Sunday afternoon in Taipei, starting a seven-day tour to boost economic cooperation and cultural exchanges between Tianjin and the island.

During a meeting with Lien Chan, honorary chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT) Party who was accompanied by top political aides and business executives, Huang said the northern port of Tianjin, which is home to more than 2,000 Taiwan-funded enterprises and has attracted $11 billion worth of investment from Taiwan, welcomes more investors from the island.

Tianjin has seen rapid economic growth, with its gross domestic product growing at an average annual rate of 16 percent in the past five years, and aims at a regional economic hub, an international port and an eco-friendly city, Huang said.

Economic and cultural ties between Tianjin and Taiwan are close, Huang said, noting that special events have been held in Tianjin since 2008 to facilitate mutual investment, promote products from Taiwan and boost cross-Strait cultural exchanges.

Lien spoke highly of the enhanced cross-Strait economic and cultural ties since 2008, especially after the signing of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement in 2010, expressing hopes that the mainland and Taiwan work together to further their win-win cooperation and strive to increase global competitiveness of companies from both sides.

Mayor Huang said port business cooperation as well as exchanges on urban planning and construction and community management would be discussed during the stay of his delegation, which is also scheduled to pay their respect to Matsu, goddess of the sea.
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