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International Luxury Cruise Ship to Start the Navigation Season with the New Area as the Home Port
Published on: 2012-07-17
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altWith the international luxury cruise ship “Legend of the Seas” berthing in Tianjin International Cruise Ship Home Port, the shipping season of Tianjin International Cruise Ship Home Port was officially started. In the next four months, “Legend of the Seas”, “Ocean Voyager” and other international luxury cruise ships will start a number of special routes with the New Area as the home port.
It is understood that, as the largest international cruise ship starting in Tianjin home port at present, “Legend of the Seas” will operate 13 voyages at the home port in Tianjin this year, will further enhance the status of the Tianjin Port in the cruise ship market; as one of the world’s top ten cruises, the “Ocean Voyager”, will also open the Tianjin home port route; from September 9 to October 8, it will use Tianjin as the home port for operating 6 Japan-South Korea voyages. 
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