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Tianjin port sets record of unloading largest & heaviest cargo in China
Published on: 2012-08-23
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The 1A Wharf of Tianjin Linggang Economic Zone set a record of unloading the largest and heaviest cargo in China after another 1800 tons separation column equipment of the Tianjin Bohai Chemical Industry (Group) Company was unloaded on 21st August.

By then, the two separation columns of the Baihai Chemical Industry, which weigh 1850 tons and 1800 tons respectively, were all unloaded successfully.

Transported from ZhangJiagang Port, the two separation columns arrived at Linggang Economic Zone on 18th August. It nearly took 2 hours to transport the No.1 column, with 9.7 meters in diameter, 95 meters in length and 1850 tons in weight, from the wharf to the factory on 19th August.

The No.2 column, 9.1 meters in diameter and 95 meters in length was unloaded the next day.

"The two columns set the record of largest and heaviest cargo unloaded at a wharf in China”, said Li Zhangyou, the manager of Tianjin Linggang Port.

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