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Tianjin to Clean Its Air, Upgrade Industries
Published on: 2015-09-25
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2Tianjin aims to upgrade the city's manufacturing and substantially improve its environment by 2020, according to a blueprint released on Tuesday to implement the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integrated development plan.

According to the plan, Tianjin will become a national research and development base for the advanced manufacturing industry, a shipping hub for north China, a demonstration area for financial innovation and an experimental area for further reform and opening-up.

Tianjin has set the goal of increasing the share of advanced manufacturing in its industrial output to 70 percent by 2020, according to a document published in Tianjin Daily on Tuesday.

It has also set a target to decrease the density of PM 2.5, or potentially harmful particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter, by 40 percent from 2013 levels. The figure dropped by 15 percent in 2014, according to the Tianjin Environmental Protection Bureau.

According to Greenpeace, Tianjin was the 11th-most polluted Chinese city in 2013 while Beijing was the 13th in terms of PM 2.5 density. Seven of the worst 10 cities were in Hebei province.

To improve the environment, Tianjin will limit the use of coal, promote new energy for taxis and public transportation, and increase the municipality's green coverage to 28 percent.

On top of the existing two city centers - Tianjin downtown and Tianjin Binhai New Area - the plan emphasized the development of small and mid-sized towns and towns.

According to the regional plan, Beijing will become "the national center of political, cultural, and international exchange activities" as well as a technological innovation center.

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