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Scientists and entrepreneurs gather for China's largest computer event
Published on: 2015-10-23
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6On Thursday, more than 3600 computer experts and entrepreneurs from around the world gathered in Hefei, capital of east China’s Anhui province, for the 2015 China National Computer Congress.

The congress will go on until Saturday and is jointly held by the China Computer Federation, the University of Science and Technology of China, and the Hefei municipal government, in cooperation with the Association for Computing Machinery and the IEEE Computer Society.

Sun Ninghui, executive director of the China Computer Federation, at a previous press conference in Beijing said, "instead of being a purely academic event, this year’s congress is focused on the transfer of academic achievements of computer science to industrial development."

More than 60 specific forums are scheduled during the three-day event, with more than 100 experts and entrepreneurs delivering speeches making it the largest in terms of total participants and speakers compared with the previous 12 ones since 2003.

The ceremony was attended by dozens of top computer scientists in the world, including ACM president Alexander Wolf, president of IEEE CS Thomas Conte, and Micheal Stonebraker, laureate of the 2014 Turing Award.

The forums will cover dozens of topics, ranging from the updates of quantum computer research, how young computer, internet scholars their academic results to business, and artificial intelligence to industrial big data.
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