ma HR: Managing Human Resource in the Digital World
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HR: Managing Human Resource in the Digital World

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Magazine - 2020 October

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Managing Human Resource in the Digital World
By Rita Koch

BT 202010 HR 01It is possible that, in the not too distant future, the world is going to be completely digital, and workplace culture will thus be completely different. There will be more freelancers than people working in offices. In that scenario, the culture and process of human resource management will change. The COVID-19 pandemic has given us a glimpse of this future working culture, and could be regarded as a drill for what is coming.

The pandemic situation was like an unplanned experiment in which each company had to understand the pros and cons of adopting this system. In this pandemic where many people were working from home, almost every company experienced a common challenge, that is, managing human resources or employees.

Technology has made work from home possible by facilitating on-time communication and high-speed data transfer via the internet. Until now, however, only a section of the corporate personnel was working from home; when this number increases, many problems will arise. To tackle these challenges, there are a few steps that will need to be taken.


HR data analysis

BT 202010 HR 02In the context of online work, you will not meet with your employees directly, or even know them, apart from the work they do for you, so it’s not easy to know what their working styles are. Experts say that in the future, allocation and collection of work from freelancers will be done through apps, and virtual assistants will take care of the needs of the employees, a role generally fulfilled by HR managers in offices. In that scenario, there is very little chance of verbal interaction with employees.

In this situation, all data related to employees should be studied rigorously. On the basis of that data, categories of employees should be established, based on their performance, and one should focus on successful employees to determine their traits. These traits can be used as benchmarks when hiring a new employee, or they could be used to motivate and assist underperforming employees. This is one way of managing human resources and work outcomes in the digital age.

Use of appropriate technology

BT 202010 HR 03In the digital world, employees will be working from different parts of the world, or even working in an office, with their work being handled by AI software. Having a suitable user interface that fulfils all employee requirements and satisfies them will be very important. The company should provide all required digital tools for the employees. There should also be a separate and fast working department of maintenance to troubleshoot problems quickly, so that there are no delay in work.

To facilitate that system, the right equipment will be required, and one has to make sure that all devices are synchronised to give the best result. It is not always the case that only the latest technology is the best equipment. Appropriate technology includes whatever one has that is in the proper condition, but one should also strive to keep modernising it.

Training and experience

BT 202010 HR 04In shifting to the new digital age, it must be realized that things will not improve in just a few days. It is true, however, that digitization leads to high productivity and more profit as it removes complexities and chances of human error, and it gives one extra time to think about growth rather than getting trapped in focusing only on meeting current requirements.

But for all that, first of all, one needs to focus on training employees so that they can achieve maximum efficiency in using the technology, and it is thus essential to help them in the beginning rather than expecting them to know everything.

Technology Updates

BT 202010 HR 05In the age of digitization, it is said that the world changes every year; hence, you have to be up to date with regard to technology. Also, new challenges will appear every day with the existing systems because no technology can be perfect forever. To address these problems, regular updates in technology will be required. For this, one needs to develop an on-premises atmosphere of innovation. Innovation, however, doesn't always mean inventing new technology; innovation can also be achieved just by replacing a faulty system with an efficient one.

Along with technology, data security will be a threat, and to address that, new laws and technology will be both required.

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