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One Year Anniversary Celebration @ MPT
Published on: 2017-05-03
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071At its one-year anniversary on April 28th, 2017, MPT has held a celebration and introduced the first large amusement park features in "Baobao Bear Encounters VR Bumper Cars", sharing this very moment with Tianjiners. Baobao Bear, a lovable and naughty boy, brought customers the unprecedented and unmissable flashing VR experience which can be enjoyed by couples, families, commuters and trendy youth!

2017年4月28日,MPT天津世纪都会迎来一周年大庆典,在这一年里,MPT从潮流时尚定位,多业态品牌组合,到深化项目体验感,全年亮眼活动不断,成功引领购物生活新体验。 MPT 1周年疯狂庆祝,并引入天津首个大型《抱抱熊遇上VR碰碰车》乐园,与天津市民共聚这一重要时刻。由淘气调皮的暖男抱抱熊带您进入前所未有的"风驰电掣"VR体验,是情侣们拍拖新玩儿法、是家庭们创新亲子乐、是上班族疯狂释放契机、是时尚们炫酷一刻,不容错过!

Baobao Bear Encounters VR Bumper Cars at MPT waits for you from 15th April to 18th June, come and have fun!
4月15日-6月18日 MPT《抱抱熊遇上VR碰碰车》等着你一起乐翻天!

MPT Shopping Festival
MPT开心购物季 劲爆活动赚翻眼球

085To celebrate this anniversary, the MPT shopping festival from 15th April to 18th June has seen and will continue to see crazy discounts with up to 70% off from the famous brand shops in MPT and an unbelievable low price of 10 yuan to watch movies in OSGH CINEMAS! A special cupcake sharing fair - Free Cupcake for One Thousand People -- has been set up by the only Ama Usa An Kyoto Uji Matcha in Tianjin! What's more, a giveaway of 100 iPad Pro is on at MPT from 28th April to 30th May, and various rewards are waiting for you at certain amounts of consuming!

为庆祝MPT周年生日,4.15-6.18 MPT开心购物季期间,各大知名品牌纷纷推出全场3折起劲爆折扣,橙天嘉禾影院更推出10元看电影,优惠超乎您想象!4.28甘兔庵京都宇治茶本铺特别准备了"千语千寻"免费千人cupcake纸杯蛋糕齐分享,天津仅此一家! 4.28-5.30期间商场更将疯狂送出100部全新款型iPad!满额消费多重奖赏,包括iPad大抽奖、MPT特制礼品、现金券、VR碰碰车体验券等送不停!还有多款时尚商品火爆1元秒杀,周年庆活动不仅送礼,MPT会员还同享消费多倍积分,堪称巅峰大促。 一大清早MPT开店前就挤满等待疯抢的支持者,场内可谓人山人海,MPT再一次引爆津城,奠定南京路时尚乐活地标之称号。

Mobike is Assisting to Celebrate MPT's Anniversary
红色骑行派对 携手摩拜天津打造潮流周年庆

086Cooperating with MPT, Mobike embarked its "RED" riding journey on the anniversary day with hundreds of appealing new Mobikes shaping "MPT" at the Plaza.


MPT Baobao Bear Encounters VR Bumper Cars
科技情怀 激情体验 MPT抱抱熊遇上VR碰碰

Baobao Bear, the lovable and chic boy, is visiting MPT, which is also the first time for him to visit Tianjin. Meanwhile, popular Bumper Cars in amusement parks are equipped with Virtual Reality, a trendy technology, providing users unlimited fun in the combination of bumper cars and virtual reality.

MPT天津世纪都会引进首次进津的时尚暖男"抱抱熊",他淘气、调皮、热爱旅行,还爱潮流装束,形象百变,为人们带来欢乐幸福,每一个城市都有他的足迹。同时,更将游乐园里最好玩刺激的碰碰车与备受当今年轻人及小朋友喜爱的VR潮流智慧科技相结合,让驾驶者真实地体验碰碰车与虚拟的空间场景无缝对接的乐趣,感受在加速和碰撞中的全新体验,戴上VR眼镜,坐进碰碰车,系好安全带展开一场 "风驰电掣"较量,震撼一触即发!更有互动投篮游戏可以进行比拼,在这里,可以梦想成真!自由驰骋篮球场,球技比拼赢大礼。

083活动信息:4月15日-6月18日 MPT "1周年乐翻天" 《抱抱熊遇上VR碰碰车》
10:00-21:00欢迎体验游玩; 超多优惠及消费满额赠、抽奖活动不断推出,欲知更多活动内容,敬请密切MPT天津世纪都会官方微信了解详情。



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