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LAST WORDS: Why a Pot of Tea Means Much More
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Why a Pot of Tea Means Much More

By Rose Salas

BT 201810 last 01什么一壶茶有更多的意味

茶是中国历史的标志。它是日常生活的一部分 。俗话说,“茶米油盐酱醋茶是一天开始的七大必需品......”茶象征着大自然的成分。从本质上讲,它代表着更深层文化的含义:人与自然之间的和平,平衡和亲近的关系。


首先,制作茶不仅仅是一个普通的过程。 使用的器皿或罐子应该与您使用的茶类型相匹配。存在自然元素 - 例如月亮,微风,松树,竹子,李子和叶子。正确选择茶壶可以在质地上保持良好的一致性。 优质和高价的茶甚至需要用溪水,泉水或未受污染的水泡。不夸张,一锅大红袍茶花费约1万美元!上帝般的享受!

由于药用特性和健康益处,任何一餐都可以以一杯茶结束。您可以在内心深处感受到平和清净。少量品茶可以迅速缓解压力,舒缓疲惫的身心。这可能是茶不可替代的原因。它可以是所有疾病的治疗源,也是瑜伽的很好的替代品! 为一个人的灵魂提供振奋和冥想的效果。

茶,茶的汉字呈现天,地,人的统一。符号本身就像茶一样复杂。 “Cha”充满了深意。

在这个文化已成为过去的数字时代,一些本地人尤其是年轻一代会认为茶是日常必需品。此外,外国人可能会认为喝茶只是一种传统的仪式。很少人知道,如果拜访中国人的家,主人提供茶意味着尊重并且代表关心。曾经有人问我为什么在婚礼庆典上,中国新娘会为新郎的家人敬茶。 这就像西方人用葡萄酒来表达感激之情一样,喝茶和喝酒象征着家庭关系的加强。


BT 201810 Last 02Tea is a trademark of Chinese history. It is part of the daily life and its importance is not of little depth. As the saying goes, “Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven necessities to begin a day…” the tea symbolizes a harmonious combination of ingredients derived from nature. In essence, it gives an understanding of what the culture is about: a peaceful, balanced, and amiable relationship between human and nature.

Why does a pot of tea mean much more? Is it just a daily ritual that has been passed on by our ancestors?

Firstly, tea preparation is not just an ordinary process. In fact, tea wares to be used for tea tasting already show some character. The kind of wares or pot to be used should match the type of ingredients you intend to use. Nature elements are present - such as moon, breeze, pines, bamboo, plum and leaves. Proper selection of teapot creates a good consistency in its texture. A small, well-built ceramic pot where it will be infused can produce maximum flavour. Fine and high-priced teas are even boiled with stream water, spring, or unpolluted water to experience a different kind of richness and freshness. Not to exaggerate, a pot of Da Hong Pao tea costs $10,000! Such a kind for an emperor!

Owing to its medicinal properties and health benefits, any meal will be concluded with a cup of tea. You get to feel some cleansing deep within and relaxation that can be found nowhere. A few sips can quickly alleviate stress, soothe tired body and calm a weary mind. That’s probably why tea is irreplaceable. It’s an instant healing source of all ailments and a better substitute for yoga! It is so mysterious why these mixed elements possess spiritual and material character, providing invigorating and propitiating effect into one’s soul.

BT 201810 Last 03Cha, the Chinese character for tea renders unity of sky, earth and human element. The symbol itself is as complex as tea. So every time you finish a single cup, you can be certain that you get to taste a little trace of eternity! “Cha” is full of meanings, interpretations, and even senses. Just like a pot of tea that has been meticulously and carefully prepared, the name from which it was derived, is compared to the divine character of this glorious drink.

In this digital age where culture is just a thing of the past, some locals, particularly the young generation would consider tea as a daily staple. Furthermore, foreigners may think that drinking tea is just a traditional ritual that has been improved upon through the years. Most of them do not know that if they visit a Chinese friend into their house, offering tea would mean respect and showing of one’s care and concern.

BT 201810 Last 04Someone once asked me why in wedding celebrations, the bride serves the groom’s family and likewise with a cup of tea. Well, just as how Western people use wine to call for cheers and express gratitude, tea serving and drinking symbolizes union and strengthening of family ties. I can still recall how I offered my parents an apology when I did not do well in college. I went home, brought out the best tea set we had, prepared our favourite tea, and just waited for them to go home after work so I could serve them and show that I regretted my misbehaviours.

A pot of tea cannot be equal to a whole round of cake. It is much more than a comfort food when you are stressed or indulging in a dessert. It is something that brings a sense of tranquillity. So the next time you take a sip, savour its goodness. Remember the connection which you establish with nature and how it gives your body a dose of awesome healing benefits, while enriching the culture our dear ancestors handed down to us.

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