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Beijing Office Rents Plunge 30% in Five Years as Vacancy Rates Rise
Published on: 2024-06-28
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Beijing’s office market suffered a challenging second quarter, with no new supply and dwindling rental demand causing a sharp decline in rents.

Office rents in China’s capital fell 3.9% from the first quarter to 279.2 yuan ($38.4) per square meter, the fastest quarterly decline in nearly four years, data from Cushman & Wakefield and Colliers International show.


6 月 27 日,高力国际发布 2024 年第二季度北京写字楼市场报告。报告显示,截至二季度,北京甲级写字楼市场需求持续恢复,净吸纳量接近 6 万平方米,连续四个季度实现去化,累计去化总量接近 28 万平米,但空置率小幅上升至 20.6%。

本季度甲级写字楼市场租金降幅达到 5%,是自 2018 年以来最大单季降幅,市场平均净有效租金为 276.9 元每月每平米。其中,望京酒仙桥租金降幅最大,单季降幅达到 10.8%,至 182.7 元每月每平米。

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