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Tesla cars for first time on Chinese government purchase list
Published on: 2024-07-05
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Tesla opens new tab best-selling Model Y was included in a list of electric and plug-in hybrid models that a local government in China can purchase as a service car, according to the official Chinese media outlet the Paper on Thursday.

It was the first time Tesla's cars have been made eligible for government purchases in China, the Paper added.

China's eastern Jiangsu provincial government published 56 batches of new energy vehicle procurements for use as service cars by party, government and public organisations in a government statement on June 6.

Apart from the Model Y made in Tesla's Shanghai factory and Volvo Cars' XC40, the other 54 batches were all Chinese-branded EVs and hybrids. Volvo Cars is owned by Chinese automaker Zhejiang Geely Holding Group.


近日,特斯拉Model Y后轮驱动版进入江苏省政府新能源用车采购目录,这也是特斯拉汽车首次进入政府采购目录。江苏省政府采购中心表示:“特斯拉不属于进口,属于国产的(车)。”

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