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Tangla Hotel Tianjin held 2015 Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
Published on: 2015-12-10
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1Tangla Hotel Tianjin held a Christmas Lighting Ceremony on 26th November 2015, unveiling a melodious prelude to the Christmas bells soon to be rung. Wonderful contemporary performances on the night ensured it was a night to remember.

The traditional Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at the hotel lobby began with the traditional festivities and guests enjoyed seasonal delights including hot chocolate, Christmas baked goodies and Christmas cocktails. Meanwhile, Santa Claus made an appearance carrying gifts for children and guests. Choirs from the Tianjin Children’s Welfare Institute Fellowship sang and shared seasonal spirit with groups of families and friends. The Hotel Executive Assistant Manager, along with the help of the children, lit the Christmas tree lights together to commemorate the start of the Christmas season.

Tangla Hotel Tianjin are always keen to involve children in their work to understand the lives of children, their health and the basic services available to them in more detail. The Tangla Hotel Tianjin invited teachers and students from local schools to help. With the help of the children, attendees were impressed by the beautiful singing of Christmas songs to spread the joy of the festive season and by sharing their infectious laughter everyone.

Tianjin Children's Welfare Institute is a social welfare institution affiliated with the Tianjin Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, which is an orphan’s adoption charity. The Institute works on a range of aspects such as education, medical care, set rehabilitation, entertainment, training, and teaching. In true Christmas spirit, the Tangla Hotel Tianjin prepared some Christmas gifts for them. It is hoped that through the act of giving and sharing, the children can feel the tenderness love and warmth of protection at this festive time of year.

Tangla Hotel Tianjin truly welcomed the Christmas season in style, and invites all to join them in spreading joy and happiness all around!
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