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Tianjin opens new direct sales center, benefit locals
Published on: 2016-01-04
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2A new direct sales center opened in Tianjin on December 22nd, providing imported products at reasonable prices.

The Dongjiang-based center has areas for exhibition, negotiation and food-tasting. A wide range of imported products including beverages, frozen meat, seafood, dairy products, baby care, packaged foods and cosmetics is available.

Prices at the center are 20 to 50 percent lower than elsewhere thanks to lower circulation. The center has its own identity card -QR code- approved by China Certification and Inspection Group. It allows customers to track products from the place of production, import and sanitary permits.

Unlike other direct sales centers, the new center focuses on customer experience. Customers can buy seafood at the center with free cooking, and try it in the food-tasting area.

More than 20 imported product direct sales centers have been approved by the Pilot Free Trade Zone so far, covering places like Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, Gansu and Inner Mongolia.

More centers are expected in Tianjin and its neighboring areas, creating a free trade belt covering the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region and benefiting Inner Mongolia and Shandong.
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