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Tianjin free trade zone attracts new enterprises
Published on: 2016-03-29
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02Tianjin successfully implemented 123 innovation initiatives by the end of 2015, accounting for 70 percent of the total. 175 institutional innovations were proposed when China (Tianjin) Pilot Free Trade Zone was launched.

Jiang Guangjian, deputy director of the China (Tianjin) Pilot Free Trade Zone Administrative Committee, made the remarks at a news briefing in early 2016.

Yingli Green Energy Holding, known as Yingli Solar, integrated its logistics companies in Hebei, Beijing and Tianjin and relocated them into the Dongjiang Free Trade Port Zone of Tianjin.

Li Guangxiang, manager of the newly-established international logistics company, said, "The company not only provides basic services, such as logistics, customs declaration and commodity inspection, but also does business in cross-border e-commence and online shopping.”

"Currently, we are doing businesses with corporations in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region," Li said, "since the establishment of the free trade zone, we got more cooperation opportunities."

In 2015, the company's total revenue reached 80 million yuan ($ 12 million), about ten times its value in 2013. The revenue is expected to reach 120 million yuan ($18 million) by the end of 2016, said Li.

Like big corporations, small and micro businesses also profit from institutional innovation.

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