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Melbourne delegation visits Tianjin, reaches eight agreements
Published on: 2016-03-30
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01Led by the Melbourne mayor Robert Doyle, a Melbourne delegation visited Tianjin, and was warmly welcomed by Tianjin mayor Huang Xingguo on February 29. Huang said that the visit is "pragmatic" and improves relations between the two cities.

Tianjin and Melbourne are highly complementary, including in education, culture, tourism and public health, Huang added.

Robert Doyle echoed Huang and said that they reach eight agreements between the two sides, and both cities achieved fruitful results in urban planning and construction as well as sustainable development.

Among the agreements, the overseas affairs office in Tianjin signed a memorandum of understanding with Melbourne and Tianjin University signed a memorandum of understanding with Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.

This year marks the 36th anniversary of the establishment of the two cities' close ties.

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