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GE Corporation Opens New Healthcare Facility in Tianjin
Published on: 2014-06-16
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altGlobal technology and manufacturing giant GE Corporation announced that the company has opened a new healthcare facility in Tianjin to better serve the China market. 
The new plant, with an investment of 100 million USD, will focus on magnetic resonance imaging and other imaging products. 
Jeffery Immelt, chief executive officer of GE, said the company will continue to invest in this dynamic market to meet the growing needs from the healthcare sector. 
"We remain firmly committed to bringing technologies closer to the market, and build stronger local capabilities that allow us to respond to customer needs better and faster," he said. 
Immelt said China's economic changes are exciting as the country is focusing more on consumption, innovation, reform of economy and State-owned enterprises to boost the economy.
Under such background, GE has to build new strategies to fit in the market. 
"I won't set any limits of what we can do in China," said Immelt. "We are quite open to possibilities." 
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