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Tianjin Faw Toyota Motor: Cultivating Talents before Creating Cars
Published on: 2014-06-30
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alt“Toyota doesn't just produce cars; it produces talented people,” Dr. Jeffrey Liker said in his book The Toyota Way. Yes, he is right. This concept is adopted by the Tianjin Faw Toyota Motor Co, Ltd (TFTM) for educating and cultivating employees before creating cars.
TFTM is a joint venture established in 2000 by Toyota Motor Corporation,China FAW Group Corporation (FAW) and Tianjin FAW XIALI Automobile Co., Ltd in Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area. It has 2 manufacturing plants and 3 series production lines for five types of Toyota vehicles including Vios, Corolla EX, Crown, Reiz, and Corolla. Cars are produced by 6 manufacturing procedures; there are pressing, welding, painting, shaping, assembly and inspection.
“We have 12,650 employees and our productions output depends on the orders from the demands of clients in Chinese market,” Dong Wenjun, the officer who has been working in Public Relations department of TFTM for 9 years introduced. “After completing assembly work, workers will precisely examine each car using their professional skills.”
“We have two shifts of working, employees of each shift work 8 hours a day and we respect everyone and try to keep their best energy of working” said Zhang Zongbao, project general manager of assembling division in TFTM.
“The company also provides useful trainings to workers for improving skills and abilities.” Zhang added.

To cultivating more talents, employees of TFTM could take extra courses such as quality control (QC) training, second language learning courses, and computer skill studies etc.  
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