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Tianjin Adds 342 New Technology Enterprises
Published on: 2014-07-16
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altTianjin added 8,670 small technology businesses and 342 technology enterprises in the first half of this year. There are currently some 57,800 small technology businesses and 2,722 technology enterprises in Tianjin, Xinhuanet reported on Jul 14.
The gross value of the technology enterprises reached 777 billion dollars from January to May, increasing 10.5 percent over the past year. The total profit was about 40 billion dollars representing an increase of 13.6 percent. The tax and extra charges of the main business increased 19.4 percent and is about 2.3 billion dollars. The development of new technology enterprises has helped to promote the optimization of Tianjin's industrial structure and has brought an improvement to the economy.
Tianjin gave permission to 92 technology enterprises' innovation projects, which will result in company profits of over 1.6 billion dollars. About 1,600 enterprises will achieve industry transformation and upgrade through the development.
In the second half of this year, Tianjin will focus on 200 leading technology enterprises and promote 100 of them to finalize their share reforms. At the same time, Tianjin will organize activities among colleges and research institutes to promote development within the Beijing and Hebei area. 
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