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Tianjin Designates Marine Protected Area
Published on: 2014-07-31
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alt Tianjin Maritime Bureau released a list of marine protected areas on July 29.

The designated area covers 219.79 square kilometers and an 18.63 kilometers coast line, according to the report from Xinhua Network.

The city started to designate marine protected areas in 2013 and finally chose five areas as Tianjin marine protected areas, included an oyster reef, a fisheries area, a tourism area, wet lands and Dashentang bank line. The city gives specific management on these areas and sets standards for the levels of pollution, water quality and so on.

Tianjin Maritime Bureau will work hard to improve the water quality, reducing pollution and strengthening the water quality management.

The city hopes the water qualification rate will reach 80 percent in maritime protected areas and the pollution rate could be reduced in all designated areas..

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