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Preliminary Inspection Process Simplified for Construction Ships
Published on: 2014-08-05
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altTianjin’s Maritime Bureau recently revised its "Interim Provision for the Temporary Simplification of Inspection Process for Construction Ships in Tianjin Waters", aiming to simplify the application process and inspection for construction units.

Rectification suggestions and guidance for the ships which failed in their preliminary inspections have also been added.The document was put together by the Tianjin Maritime Bureau in 2008, targeted at strengthening ships’ supervision.

During recent years, problems occurred when the provisions were implemented, which led to this revision, so as to strengthen the inspection of construction ships in Tianjin.

Tianjin Maritime Bureau has received over 70 inspection applications from construction units. The Tianjin Ship-inspection Department has been endorsed to implement the temporarily simplified inspection for 10 ships that meet the preliminary inspection standards. And the other construction ships are under rectification as required by the Tianjin Maritime Bureau. 
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