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Tianjin Women's Federation Holds Its Thirteenth Executive Conference
Published on: 2014-08-14
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altThe Thirteenth Executive Conference of the Tianjin Women's Federation was held in Tianjin on Aug 8 to Aug 10, 2014, to promote legal rights and ensure the welfare of women and children in the city.

The two-day meeting focused on the experiences of promoting women and children’s welfare since the Twelfth National Party Congress.

Attendees jointly made an inspection tour to five communities in local counties or districts, where they interacted and judged efforts made by local women's federations to build exclusive activity platforms for women and children, improve their reserved digital centers, provide local women with assistance in their business activities, and lead women in their jurisdiction to beautify their courtyards.

Presidents of 16 county-level women's federations delivered work reports on the development of Tianjin women's and children's affairs, and held discussions about how to better advance the causes of women and children in the present social circumstances at the meeting.

In her address to the meeting, the President of the Tianjin Women's Federation, Dai Yun, called on local women's federations to beef up their competences in the building of grass-root women's federations and advancement of their causes.

To provide local women with services on a daily basis, women's federations were urged to set up professional files for the women concerned dependent on their personal needs, empower them to make comprehensive use of government resources and introduce regulations on how to carry out work in connection with women's affairs, Dai said.

Meanwhile, the Tianjin women's Federation also highlighted the importance in its work in securing and advancing women's and children's affairs during the next few months. For instance, the federations are expected to accomplish targets connected with women and children's causes which are defined in their personal work; contribute their efforts to the balanced growth of women's affairs in the new social circumstances of an integrated development in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province, help local women to build more female-oriented social organizations, and provide them with expert assistance in the participation of political affairs and business activities. 
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