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Beijing, Tianjin to Revive Ancient Waterway Link
Published on: 2014-09-04
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altThe municipalities of Beijing and Tianjin have agreed to restore operation of an ancient waterway linking the two cities.Restoration of the waterway was included in a development agreement as part of a national-level drive to boost coordinated development in the region around Beijing, Tianjin and neighboring Hebei province.

The waterway, part of the Grand Canal, a newly listed UNESCO World Heritage site, dates back to 608 AD during the Sui Dynasty (581-618). It was once an important water path to ensure the food supply for the national capital of Beijing in the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).

In early August, the two municipalities signed an agreement on coordinated development, including reviving the ancient waterway. According to Zhu, since waterway transport had long been abandoned, the most difficult problems in resuming operations are ensuring sufficient water volume and pollution control.

Cultural relic’s officials said UNESCO requires the canal be kept intact, making desalting and widening of the waterway more difficult. He Zhineng, deputy head of Tianjin Municipal Tourism Bureau, said that despite the difficulties, resuming operation of the waterway between Beijing and Tianjin will not only restore the scenic beauty, but also help to pass on the ancient canal's cultural heritage. 
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