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Tianjin to Achieve 200,000 Wi-Fi Access Points by 2017
Published on: 2014-11-05
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altA Wi-Fi development project called“i-Tianjin”was launched in North China’s harbor city of Tianjin. The project plans to expand the number of Wi-Fi access points (AP) to 200,000 within three years. In addition, “i-Tianjin”will become an official identification and cover all important places in the city and Binhai New Area. Thanks to the project, residents will enjoy free mobile internet connections.

Tianjin has 82,000 APs so far, said Yao Tianshi, head of Tianjin’s Municipal Commission of Industry and Information Technology’s Information Infrastructure Office. The city will integrate the established APs with the new ones and try to give all the APs currently in service free access in three years.

More and more businesses are starting additional services with the help of 360 Mobile Care’s free Wi-Fi function. With the increasing popularity of Wi-Fi AP, residents’ use of wireless access services on 58.com will leap.

It is said that residents are able to access the Internet directly after searching and choosing “i-Tianjin”AP. The mobile Internet’s speed and stability will be guaranteed.

In addition, Tianjin is implementing its Smart Tianjin Three-Year Project”, focusing on the establishment of a broadband Internet connection. Aiming to develop the city’s smart government affairs, smart electric power system, smart transportation, and smart education, the project will improve the residents’ quality of life. 
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