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Stephen Harper Wrapped up Third Visit to China
Published on: 2014-11-13
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altPrime Minister Stephen Harper wrapped-up his third official visit to China on Nov 10 in Beijing. While in Beijing.


"I was pleased to meet with Chinese leaders and strengthen the foundation for future commercial collaboration." Said Stephen Harper, "That will help Canadian companies access the incredible opportunities this crucial market has to offer. This will in turn generate jobs and economic growth in Canada."


During his visit, the Prime Minister and China's Premier Li Keqiang agreed to a series of initiatives under the Canada-China Joint List of Outcomes 2014, including the establishment of an economic and financial strategic dialogue to enhance Canada-China commercial ties and the expansion of a Memorandum of Understanding on Nuclear Cooperation to increase exports to China. The leaders also agreed to a set of measures to support the increased use of RMB in trade, commerce and investment between the two countries.


While in Hangzhou, the Prime Minister announced that Canada will open new trade offices in the Chinese cities of Hangzhou, Xi'an, Xiamen and Tianjin. This will help Canadian businesses flourish in some of the fastest growing regions of China, bringing Canada's trade network to a total of 15 locations across the country. 
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