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Endangered Gulls Spend Winter in Tianjin Eco-city
Published on: 2015-01-19
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alt As the north part of China endures the coldest days of the year, a large batch of migratory birds has started their trips to the south. Recently, however, a total of more than 3,000 world endangered migratory birds and first level national protective birds chose not to migrate to the south but stay in the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City in Binhai New Area to spend the winter.
Taking up almost a quarter of the total existing number of species, such a large flock of gulls is extremely rare and has been seen in Tianjin for the first time.
This kind of gull is a mid-sized aquatic bird, with a body length of around 40 centimetres. The head color of the gull is black in the summer, and looks like it is wearing a black scarf, while in the winter, their heads turn white.
It is reported that the volunteers have found this kind of gull successively flying to the wetland in the eco-city to take rests and find food since the end of 2014. A bird protection expert explained that the arrival of large amounts of gulls in Tianjin is highly related to the premium ecological environment and the diversified wet land of Tianjin.
The expert added that it is possible that more and more precious migratory birds will visit Tianjin in the future.
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