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Beijing to Complete 800 Kilometres of Railways in Surrounding Region in 2015
Published on: 2015-03-12
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alt An official with the Beijing Railway Bureau has revealed they're working on plans to create some 800 kilometres worth of railway lines through the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region this year.
This would be around one-tenth of all planned railway construction for the whole of China this year.
An executive with the Beijing Railway Bureau says their main priority is to complete the Beijing-Tianjin inter-city railway which will be extended to the Binhai New Area in Tianjin.
The project is scheduled to be finished by September.
A high-speed train link between Beijing and the city of Zhangjiakou is also part of the plan.
That link will cross through the Badaling area of the Great Wall.
Beijing and Zhangjiakou are currently applying to co-host the 2022 Winter Olympics.
Other railway construction plans this year in the BTH region include the Beijing-Baoding line and the Zhangjiakou-Tangshan line.
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