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Tianjin's Foreign Investment Hits 6.3 billion USD in 2014
Published on: 2015-04-22
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alt Actual utilized foreign investment in Tianjin reached 6.365 billion USD in 2014, up 10.5 percent year-on-year, the Municipal Bureau of Statistics in Tianjin said.
Moreover, cooperation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has further deepened, with the amount of investment in Tianjin from Beijing and Hebei reaching 48.743 billion CNY (7.87 billion USD) in the first quarter, accounting for 44.9 percent of the actual utilized domestic investment in Tianjin.
So far, 33 percent of the imported and exported goods from Tianjin ports come from Beijing and Hebei province. The establishment of transportation infrastructure has also developed, including the extension of the inter-city high-speed railway between Beijing and Tianjin as well as Tianjin and Baoding and the Tianjin section of the Beijing-Qinhuangdao Expressway. The inter-city high-speed railway between Beijing and Tianjin carried 6.2 million passengers in 2014, up 7.3 percent year-on-year. 
Faced with complex domestic and global economic conditions, the overall health of the Tianjin economy is stable with a strong growth momentum. This year, the Tianjin National Innovation Model Zone was officially recognized and the government is ready to realize the economic transformation supported by innovation and SMEs.
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