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Tianjin Online Sales Exceed 80 Billion CNY
Published on: 2015-05-15
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alt Tianjin's online retail sales reached 80.3 billion CNY (12.94 billion USD) in 2014, a 73.4 percent increase, according to the Tianjin E-Commerce Development Report released at the Tianjin E-Commerce Development Forum on 7 May.
Online shopping gradually becomes a new habit in Tianjin. In 2014, the city had a total of 9.04 million netizens, ranking the sixth nationwide.
Netizens in Tianjin shopped actively on-line. The daily average number of netizens who visit shopping websites was 1.40 million, 15.4 percent of the city's total online community. The number of monthly visits to shopping websites reached 59.5, 55.9 higher than the national average. Annual order number from computers reached 20,484.
Mobile internet shopping is the new fashion trend among Tianjin online shoppers. Many Tianjin shoppers visit online retail platforms through mobile phones every day.
Sales through mobile phones reached 31.79 billion CNY (5.12 billion USD) last year, 264.2 percent more than last year. Sales via mobile phones went from 18.9 percent of the total in 2013 to 39.6 percent in 2014.
It is estimated that mobile sales will continue to grow, exceeding 80 billion CNY (12.89 USD) by 2016 and to taking up more than 50 percent of all online sales. 
O2O (Online to Offline) is a new pattern of online shopping in Tianjin. The integration of online platforms with physical stores will become the norm for retail in the city. 
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