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New World Beijing Hotel to Bring Warm Hospitality and Abundant Gifts to a School for Autistic Children
Published on: 2015-06-01
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alt On 29 May 2015, the management of New World Beijing Hotel paid a visit to the Beijing Sunshine Love Intelligent Children Rehabilitation Centre, a special school for children with autism.
One of many charity initiatives the hotel has embarked upon since its opening in November 2013, this unique activity aims to bring New World Hotels’ spirit of “Modern Oriental Hospitality,” along with a host of lovely toys and gifts, to these children who are often forgotten or misunderstood by their families and caretakers.
In addition to spending time with the children, New World Beijing Hotel management also participated in a special finger printing activity, and joined them in playtime with their brand new toys and gifts.
This experience was sure to bring positive energy, happiness and excitement to both New World Beijing Hotel team members and the autistic children whom they were visiting.
New World Beijing Hotel General Manager Mr. Henrik Iversen said, “I am very proud of my dedicated team for donating their time and energy to this very worthy cause. We look forward to continuing to help those in need in our local community with further charitable activities throughout 2015.” 
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