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Tianjin Releases Report on Marine Economy
Published on: 2015-06-04
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alt The Statistical Report on the Marine Economy of Tianjin in 2014 was released on May 28. The gross value of marine production reached 502.7 billion CNY (81.14 billion USD) last year, increasing 11.23 percent over the year before, according to the report.
The value of Tianjin's marine production took up 8.39 percent of the national figure and 31.97 percent of the city's overall value of production.
The marine economy remains stable in the background of the economic new normal. The marine industrial organization has been further optimized. The focuses have changed from size and speed to quality and benefit.
Within Tianjin's marine economy, marine industrial added value reached 271.4 billion CNY and the marine-related industrial added value reached 231.3 billion CNY. Primary industry reached 1.3 billion CNY of added value, secondary industries 318.7 billion CNY, and tertiary industries 182.7 billion CNY.
Added value from primary, secondary, and tertiary industries took up 0.26 percent, 63.4 percent, and 36.34 percent of the total value of marine production respectively. The output scale of unit coastline exceeded 3.2 billion CNY in 2014, which ranked the top among the domestic coastal cities.
Tianjin's marine industry developed steadily last year, according to the report. The city's marine economy developed faster than the national marine economy and the city's entire economy, and the marine service industry outgrew the overall industry. Emerging marine industries outgrew traditional industry.
In addition, major programs drove the development of the industrial economy, and marine technology led the industrial transition.
The construction and the infrastructure development of the Tianjin Nangang Industrial Zone, the Tianjin Harbor Economic Area, the main body of Tianjin Port, Tanggu Marine High-Technology and Innovative Area, the coastal tourism area of the Sino-Singapore Ecological City, and the Central Fishing Port accelerated and improved. All these efforts saw the collective development of marine industry in Tianjin.
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