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Binhai Promotes Cooperation between Corporations and Institutes
Published on: 2015-06-18
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alt A conference on medium and small sized corporations was held recently at the Binhai New Area Technological Finance Service Center.
Seven experts from Tianjin University of Science and Technology launched road shows and presentations on their major technological projects and released a total of 252 technological results in light industry and food manufacturing, petrochemical engineering, marine economy, modern agriculture, equipment manufacturing, electronic information, and new energy and materials.
Up to 28 technological corporations based in Binhai New Area communicated on further cooperation with the university's Technological Result Transformation Center during the conference.
Financial institutions and agencies including the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) and Tianjin Municipal Credit Guarantee Center for Small and Medium Sized Corporations provided consulting services during the conference.
The FT-1500A series new generation CPU developed by the Binhai New Area Science and Technology Commission and the National University of Defense Technology has been released.
Recent years have witnessed the integration of industry, academy, and research in industries such as bio-pharmaceutical, energy conservation and environmental protection, advanced manufacturing, and big data.
A total of 463 large-scale projects have launched in Binhai New Area. The total investment has reached 12.5 billion CNY (2.01 billion USD). The estimated newly added industrial value exceeds 30 billion CNY (4.83 billion USD). 
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