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Tianjin to Improve Public Transportation Services
Published on: 2015-07-09
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 altTianjin will launch 20 projects to upgrade public transportation standards, which are expected to greatly improve service quality, according to the Tianjin Transportation Department.

The projects will emphasize both operations upgrades and hardware improvement. A total of 2,000 new buses will be put into use. Up to 60 bus lines will be launched, extended, or adjusted. The new or upgraded bus lines will fill up the gaps in the public transportation network and improve the connection of buses and subways.
Bus companies will be required to publish service standards and monitoring hotlines in the bus and launch non-profit campaigns to promote bus culture.
The city will add air conditioning and environmentally-friendly buses, with the goal of 50 percent new energy buses by 2016 and 100 percent with air conditioning. Moreover, special staff members will take charge of bus cleaning.
The city will provide discounts for passengers traveling with smart public transportation cards. Moreover, the city will actively promote the smooth connection of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei regional public transportation cards.
The bus drivers' services will be improved, including their manners, driving skills, and services to passengers with special needs. The projects aim at creating a harmonious atmosphere between bus drivers and passengers. The bus stop information boards will be standardized and updated. The information guidance on transferring between buses and subways will be enhanced to provide convenience.
The standardization of bus stations will be further improved. The facilities and signs in bus stations will be unified.
The public transportation service will complete the complaint mechanism and establish a civilized atmosphere. The service standards and monitoring methods will be available to the public. 
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