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Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Clarify Roles in Integrated Development
Published on: 2015-08-03
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altBeijing and its neighbors Tianjin municipality and Hebei province have clarified their roles in their integrated development strategy, based on a plan approved by the central government.
The Layout Plan of Integrated Development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province was approved by the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau as the top-level design for the integration of the region.
According to the plan, Beijing will develop into China's political, cultural, technological innovation, and international exchange center.
Tianjin will become a center for manufacturing, research and development, a core area for international shipping, and a demonstration site for financial innovation and reform.
Hebei province is to become a base for logistics, a pilot site for industrial transformation and upgrading, a demonstration area for urbanization and urban-rural development, and an ecological support for the region.
As the roles are clarified, the three regions can make out appropriate policies and measures to achieve the goal, said Tian Xuebin, deputy director of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integrated development center of the Hebei University of Economics and Business.
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