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Venture Projects Flock into TianjinTTEDA
Published on: 2015-08-12
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2Following the innovation and entrepreneurship tide, various competitions of innovation and creativity becomes magnifying glass for discovering their values. The reporter learned yesterday that, a majority of projects applied for “2014 TEDA Entrepreneurship Competition -- Spring Round” determined to develop business in TEDA. And many good projects have found support by financing and started to get on track of development momentum after one year’s effort.

Relevant people in charge of Tianjin TEDA Science &Technology Development Group said, considering the developed business environment in TEDA, Bai Bangda plans to move most of their business to Tianjin, and iLab will establish an independent incorporated company in TEDA. Besides, this project received 5 million USD at Round A; it is predicted to achieve 30 million CNY, 100 million CNY and 300 million CNY’s revenue in 2015, 2016 and 2017 respectively; it plans to go public in China in the second half of 2017.

H&E Co., Ltd is the first one that applies the most advanced global technology including somatosensory technology and speech recognition technology Co., Ltd. into software development of early child education. As the first product that is developed by H&E, “HeyHa solution for digitized early child education” won the second prize in last year. This project applies study-play model that help students to use left-right brain co-learning into practice, which achieved good reputation in the market. A person in charge of Tianjin TEDA Science &Technology Development Group said, Beijing HeyHa Technology has received investment from New Oriental, TAL and Angel Plus, and it is planning to develop business in Tianjin in the next year.

A person in charge of Tianjin TEDA Science &Technology Development Group said, these profitable projects grew rapidly in the last year, which demonstrated high quality, high level and expertise of TEDA venture competition. The flock of venture projects into TEDA demonstrates that TEDA attracts them greatly.
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