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Guideline on Bohai Rim Development Released
Published on: 2015-09-28
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21A guideline on the development of areas around the Bohai Rim, which connects China's northern, northeastern and northwestern regions, was published by the State Council yesterday.

The area includes the cities of Beijing and Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Shandong and Shanxi provinces, and Inner Mongolia.

The guideline calls for major infrastructure be built to establish inter-regional transport, energy, water resources and information networks.

It says the areas should collaborate on pollution and environmental projects and policies, with a focus on building an ecological safety barrier, preventing air pollution and improving the nearshore marine environment.

Industrial cooperation is also highlighted, as it would relieve Beijing of its non-essential functions, the guideline said, adding that local governments must continue with industry upgrading and transformation.

The guideline also called on the region to further open up to the world, and utilize its geographical advantages. It has been identified as one of the country's economic growth poles, playing an important strategic role in China's opening up and modernization, it said.

A consolidated and improved market system should be established, the guideline said, and reform measures should continue to give the market the authority to allocate resources.

The guideline also stressed the importance of the integrated development of urban and rural areas. Public services should be fairly distributed, it said, so that the region establishes itself as a demonstration zone for a stable and harmonious society.

It called for a coordination mechanism, led by Beijing, to outline favorable policies and ensure a sound institutional environment for development.

Another guideline issued by the State Council focuses on the development of the densely populated Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

By 2017, transport integration, environmental protection and industrial upgrading will have been achieved, officials said.

Unified markets in financial services, land resources, technology and information will also be promoted.

The guideline also relates to the "Belt and Road" initiative, a trade and infrastructure network, the State Council said.

The initiative will connect Asia to Europe and Africa through the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, and promote economic prosperity and regional economic cooperation, and enhance exchanges.

The Silk Road Economic Belt stretches northwest from China's coast through Central Asia, the Middle East and on to Europe while the maritime Silk Road runs through the country's south to Southeast Asia.
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