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New Warehouse Blast Hits Tianjin, No One Injured
Published on: 2015-10-13
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1A warehouse explosion hit Tianjin on Monday night (October 12th), Chinese state media reported, just two months after a massive blast in the eastern port city left more than 160 dead.

The blast came at a warehouse storing "alcohol materials" in Beichen District's Xiditou Township, official news service Xinhua said.

Police received a report of an explosion at 9.46pm local time (Singapore time), but by the early hours of Tuesday morning the fire had been put out and no casualties had yet been reported, it said.

The explosion became a trending topic on the Sina Weibo social media platform early Tuesday, with users posting what they said were images of the blast.

The explosions and their aftermath raised a host of questions in China about industrial safety, as well as the enforcement of residential zoning regulations, government transparency and the adequacy of firefighter training.
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