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Winners of Doubles Tianjin Open 2015: Zheng Saisai & Xu Yifan
Published on: 2015-10-20
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BR9Z2782_4We have interviewed the winners of Tianjin Open 2015. The Chinese players Zheng Sai Sai and Xu Yifan, and possible Chinese team during 2016 Olympics Games. Xu Yifan born in Tianjin and she felt very happy to be able to win this trophy in her hometown.

Q: Does this victory help you have confidence in the promotion and vision of the future?

A: (Zheng) Yes, we adjust our state slowly in this match, the game is very intense, very nervous, taking this event has great encouragement in our confidence and cooperation.

Q: Winning at hometown, especially in the scene of a lot of the audience, does it feel different?

A: (Xu) We both excited after getting match point, I think we must win the title, at that time, our emotion is not the same as before, with the encouragement of the audience, we really happy to win the championship in our hometown.

Q: Today's opponents' baseline is very good, what is your strategy, to mobilize the opponent, not letting them so solid in the baseline?

A: (Zheng) The opponent has a good service, so in her serve game, we don't have few chances, but then our strategy is slowly changing, using our advantages. In fact, the game is very close in the beginning, we are backward, and later we are able to catch up, because we have always believed that we can win this match, we encourage each other, of course, and the performance is also very good.

(Xu) At first, we have no chance in their serve game, because the US players' serve is very good.

(Zheng) She services very good. We don’t have any method at the beginning, but we slowly got the tie-break and reached the highest point.

Q: Congratulations on winning the championship, what is your plan at the next stage?

A: (Zheng) Recent goal is training together, including the winter training, hope we can play better and better, the ultimate goal is to enter the Olympic Games.

Q: Are there any singles or doubles, when will be your next cooperation?

A: (Zheng) I'm not certain about it, because we are not sure when our next event will be, Zhuhai championship is not determined either. We are also waiting for the final message.

Q: A lot of people are concerned about the game, Chinese players haven't won the Tianjin Open yet, does local event have any influence on the value of the promotion?

A: (Xu) I hope it can increase attention, there will be more audience next year, support and attract more players to participate in the competition in Tianjin Open.

(Zheng) Many Chinese audiences support us, including the previous season, like China Open, Wuhan Open, some viewers don't know whom to support, but they just come to see us in Tianjin Open, so this is a big power for us, I hope everyone can support us, and support China's tennis.


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