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Christmas Tree Lighting Charity Night hosted by Pan Pacific Tianjin
Published on: 2015-12-09
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2Pan Pacific Tianjin and Tianjin Jian Hua Autism Rehabilitation Center jointly planned the "Christmas Charity Event" on November 16th, and Christmas Tree Lighting Charity Night was held on December 4th, 2015. There were over 40 customers participating in the event, which included corporate guests and media personnel.

Hotel General Manager, Mr. Reinhold Johann, gave a speech extending a warm welcome and his sincere gratitude to attendees. Ms. Tang from Tianjin Jian Hua Autism Rehabilitation Center also gave a speech to introduce the Autism Rehabilitation Center, letting the guests know more about the children who attend the rehabilitation center. It is hoped that more awareness of the work the Autism Rehabilitation Center carries out will give the children at the centre greater concern and care from the public.

The staff at the hotel organised a Christmas choir for Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony since early November. On the night they gave a great performance to all guests.
One of hotel’s core values is “Respect and care for wider community through being connected and sharing”, so the main agenda of the Charity Bazaar was to demonstrate this during the Christmas lighting. Guests responded enthusiastically to the charity sale, and every guest gave generous contributions. We believe it will be very helpful to the children current lives and give them courage and hope for the future. The Hotel also prepared a love wall in hotel lobby, displaying photos of distinguished guests on the wall.

The Hotel General Manager Mr. Reinhold, along with the hotel management team and the Jian Hua’s Ms. Tang, together lit up Christmas tree. During the Christmas season, most promotions at the Hotel are prepared specially. The Hotel will be offering a special Christmas Eve dinner on December 24, so the Director of Food and Beverage gave an introduction to what is on offer to all guests.

Finally, the Christmas Tree Lighting event successfully finished with wonderful lucky draw and donation ceremony. All funds raised have been donated to the Tianjin Jian Hua Autism Rehabilitation Center for children's rehabilitation.
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