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Greenhouses in Tianjin have their own power source
Published on: 2015-12-16
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1The city of Tianjin’s Agricultural Science and Technology Industrial Park in the Xiqing district has more than 200 greenhouses equipped with silver photovoltaic solar panels on top to supply electricity and when the greenhouse meets the solar panel, there is a better harvest of greens and green energy to supply it.

One technician working with seeds, Liu Wenxiang, explains, “There is an automatic spray device powered by the photovoltaic solar panels so that 10 minutes of automated spraying can save the work of two people in two hours,” then adds that the power is also used for illumination, heating, and other things.

Yin Hong, a project manager from the city of Qingdao’s Huasheng Green Farming Science and Technology Co, goes on to explain, “Traditional greenhouses are only used for containing the crops but, now, greenhouses and new energy work together to produce not only vegetables and fruits, but also clean energy.”

The Tianjin greenhouse project, in its first phase, covers an 800,000-square–meter space and has vegetables, flowers, mushrooms and tea and expects to produce more than 2.6 million kW/hr of electricity annually, with 5 percent of that being more than enough for the whole industrial park.

The rest of the power can be transferred to the State Grid and can bring in 22.8 million yuan ($3.55 million) in additional income to the industrial park, according to Yin, who says that the wiring, which now stretches for more than 4,000 meters, will be completed by the end of the year. And, greenhouses with photovoltaic solar panels are good for plant photosynthesis and the lighting, “is better than ultraviolet light which appeals to insects so it projects the crops”.
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