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Tianjin will finally demolish a 200 meter-tall skyscraper
Published on: 2015-12-17
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2Normally when we think of buildings and China, our first thought is of a sea of shimmering skyscrapers and soaring construction cranes, either that or the one that looks like a giant pair of pants.

Whichever one comes to mind first, readers may (or may not) be surprised to learn that a colossal 200 meter-tall building towering above Tianjin is set to be the very first in its height-class to be demolished.
The Yinzuo building in Tianjin sits upon the banks of the Hai River next to the Da Guangming Bridge and at the intersection of Shi'er Jing Road and Haidong Road in Tianjin's Hedong District. It is one of Tianjin's 23 buildings of over 150 meters in height currently under construction (with 41 already completed).
For years this building, which resides in reportedly one of the nicer parts of Tianjin, has been plagued by indecisive planning and other problems that has repeatedly delayed its completion.

As a result, Tianjin's municipal government has decided to finally just be done with the mess, and have scheduled the would-be apartment building for demolition.

Ultimately, this should save developers a lot of money in sunshine compensation.
While it is unfortunate that such a large investment never bore fruit, it is unlikely that the final product would have gained any notoriety at all on the scale of some China's more aesthetically pleasing architectural feats.
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