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Tianjin's growth slows to 9.3%, but services surge
Published on: 2016-01-27
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01Tianjin’s economic growth fell to 9.3 percent in 2015, down from 10.0% in 2014, according to local authorities, but for the first time in history, tertiary industry grew faster than secondary industry.

The city's total output value exceeded 1.65 trillion yuan ($250 billion), with a year-on-year growth of 9.3%, 0.1% lower than the first three-quarter growth recorded in October, according to the Municipal Statistics Bureau.

Tertiary industry grew 9.6% with a total value-added output of 860 billion yuan ($131 billion), contributing more than a half of total GDP growth, or 52.0%, suggesting the success of restructuring, according to experts.

Primary industry grew 2.5% with a total value-added output of 21 billion yuan ($3.2 billion), while secondary industry climbed 9.2 percent with a total value-added output of 772 billion yuan ($117 billion).

In 2015, Tianjin built 106 “maker spaces”, practicing the proposal of Premier Li Keqiang in September, 2014.

2015 also witnessed rapid development in new industries, covering manufacturing, online wholesale and retail and express delivery.

A total of 13,778 medium-and-small-sized high-tech enterprises mushroomed in Tianjin in 2015, covering emerging sectors such as new energy, medicine, environmental protection and manufacturing.
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